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Com dois discos editados, About Time (2017) e Human Connection (2019), os dinamarqueses Gents já deram provas mais do que satisfatórias da sua capacidade de colorir de melodias infecciosas a sua inconfundível identidade artística. O terceiro, Souvenir, chega em fevereiro de 2022, com a promessa de mais do que os destacou até agora: uma pop eletrónica entre a extravagância dos anos 80, o ímpeto dos anos 90 e o cosmopolitismo do século XXI, cortesia do multi-instrumentista Theis Vesterløkke, encabeçada pelo bravado do frontman Niels Fejrskov Juhl, cuja voz possante oscila entre o romantismo sincero e o atrevimento dissimulado – o facto de nem sempre conseguirmos distinguir entre os dois não é por acaso.
A estreia de GENTS em Portugal no Musicbox, 2019
_ Texto de Pedro Miranda / Fotografias de Ana Viotti
Sob a premissa de um continente europeu sem fronteiras, o Liveurope vem unir o Musicbox a vinte outras salas europeias, de Oslo a Barcelona à Tessalónica, no propósito comum de promover os EENNA (Emerging European Non-National Artists), músicos europeus estreantes vindos de países diferentes dos das salas que os acolhem, criando uma rede pan-europeia de difusão das novas frequências continentais. Ainda que a pandemia tenha interrompido a atividade destas salas, o Musicbox não quis que o distanciamento social causasse um curto-circuito a esta conexão entre artistas e público. Colmata-o, agora, com este catálogo de promessas da música europeia que deveriam ter passado pelo seu palco, e têm a vinda adiada ao regresso à normalidade.
With two released albums, About Time (2017) and Human Connection (2019), the Danish group Gents have already given more than satisfactory proof of their ability to colour their distinct artistic identity with infectious melodies. The third release, Souvenir, arrives in February 2022 with the promise to bring more of what has made them stand out from the crowd: electronic pop music that lies between the 80s extravagance, the 90s momentum and the 21st century’s cosmopolitanism, all courtesy of the multi-instrumentalist Theis Vesterløkke led by the frontman Niels Ferjskov Juhl’s bravado, whose strong voice navigates between the sincere romance and the disguised audacity – the fact that we can’t even separate one from the other is not an accident
GENTS first show in Portugal at Musicbox, 2019
_ Words by Pedro Miranda / Photos by Ana Viotti
Under the premise of a European continent without borders, Liveurope brings together Musicbox and other twenty European music venues from Oslo to Barcelona to Thessaloniki with the common purpose of promoting EENNAs (Emerging European Non-National Artists), European musicians who are just starting and come from different countries than those of the venues receiving them, creating a pan-European network that diffuses the new continental frequencies. And even though the pandemic has interrupted the venues’ work, Musicbox didn’t want social distancing causing a shorting in this connection between artists and audiences. It tackles it, right now, with this catalog of the European music promises that should have played on its stage and saw their coming postponed to when life gets back to normal.